Wonderland Markets

Wonderland Markets

Get your business involved in the Magic of our Community Christmas promotion by joining us for the Wonderland Markets.

As a ‘return on investment’ for members only, we are offering you the opportunity to invoice the Chamber up to $50.00 and then provide a ‘gift’ (voucher or goods) to be given to lucky shoppers on our Christmas market day which will take place on Thursday 21/12/2023.  

Find out more updates/information on our Magical Community Christmas Promotion, kicking off in November here.

You are welcome to participate in this market day (at no cost), by way of a side-walk market stall or by letting us know how you can be a part of this community project… we also understand that not all members are in the main street.

Non-chamber members will need to pay a fee if they wish to have a market stall.

If you want to be a part of this exciting community project, please

Send your invoice to Member Participation or

Send your enquiry to participate to Non-Member Participation

We look forward to celebrating this Christmas season with you!


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