Tracy Sheen: The Digital Guide

Tracy Sheen: The Digital Guide

We caught up with Tracy again, this time discussing all things AI (artificial intelligence).

While there were definitely many jokes surrounding the robot uprising, we had the opportunity to play with Chat GPT and see first-hand the things we spend hours on now, that will only take 5 minutes in the future. For many of us, that future is now.

Chat GPT is not just for Facebook posts, or marketing materials. It can be used to locate formulas for everything from Excel to concrete mixes, you can create building plans (not CAD designs unfortunately), policies and procedures, and so on.

The one thing to understand about this platform is that it currently does not know anything about the world after September 2021. This is because the developers have not opened up the platform to source data directly from the internet. 


Because the internet is for everyone and their own opinions. Meaning that we do not want our AI telling people things that just aren't true.

If you have some spare time, jump onto the platform and have a play. You will need to provide your email to register.

Take a look at ChatGPT HERE

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